Most Common Javascript Libraries | Advices | 2023
Javascript, one of the most widely used programming languages today, is one of the most preferred languages in the Front End and Back End fields.
Most Common Javascript Frameworks
So why is Javascript so preferred?
Javascript, which was actively introduced to the world in 1995, is accepted as one of the most basic languages of HTML — CSS and the internet world. Thanks to this language, in which you can easily create many architectures of websites, it is possible to put many things into software.
There are many Javascript libraries that you can easily design browser games, various applications, interactive websites, even some back-end applications. Javascript is actively used in many e-commerce sites, applications and many internet-based technologies that are actively used today.
Most Common Javascript Libraries!
DOM Based JQuery
JQuery technology, which was actively used in 2006, is actively used in many javascript-based animations and in many web-based applications that provide active mobility in page transitions. You can easily install the JQuery library, which contains many plugins, and benefit from its many possibilities.
The line of code you need to use in the head lines;
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
You can integrate the jQuery library directly into your project with CDN without the need to download it;
<script src=""></script>
JQuery UI
It is a library with many advanced functions in jQuery, but jQuery UI; In addition to these functions offered by jQuery, it also has functions customized for the tasks specified in the introduction. It is a more comprehensive Javascript library. Every jQuery UI library; These basic jQuery functions can also be used as they contain the basic functions of jQuery.
Library D3.js, which continuously improves the Protovis framework. It will enable you to actively use many numerical data in web browsers.
You can easily complete many single-page projects using angular.js. Angular.js, one of the most widely used libraries in the world, is open source and fully open to development.
AngularJS is distributed as a JavaScript file, and can be added to a web page with a script tag;
<script src=""></script>
I usually call the Bootstrap application Bosstrap. Because usually bootstrap is literally a BOSS.
Bootstrap, which is the most common and one of the most used libraries hosting HTML-CSS-Framework, is actively used in many websites. Many E-Commerce sites, ad-based websites that are set up quickly and practically, contain bootstrap based on many themes and plugins sold on platforms such as Envato.
Many web developers get acquainted with javascript after learning HTML-CSS, and then the first library they learn is usually bootstrap. Because bootstrap is a very easy and understandable library. Bootstrap, which is a very useful library, is highly recommended.
Platforms you can use to get started with Bootstrap;
An excellent library for creating 3D graphics and applications for websites. You can create many animations and graphics using Three.js. Three.js, which is generally used for coding space images or different designs, is among the most well-known libraries.
For details;
A widely used different javascript library for many animated images and designs. You can easily encode many animated texts and animated web pages using anime.js.
For details;
GSAP is a great javascript library that seeks to animate many objects and objects. It is a great library for animation and graphics-based work. Known for making very fast HTML — CSS animations, GSAP is generally preferred for mobile applications!
GSAP, which is usually used with React.JS, makes many animations easily codeable.
Quick and Practical Javascript Animation Libraries List
# MO.js
# Popmotion
# Ani.js
# KUTE.js
# Velocity.js
# Vivus.js
# ScrollReveal.js
If you like working with geometric and mathematical tables, if you want to prepare analysis and tabulation studies, Chart.js can be the solution for you.
For Details and Setup;
<script src="" >
For Npm: npm install chart.js --save
For Yarn: yarn add chart.js
ApexChart.JS for Charts and Geometric Data
Apexchart.js is a free library that lets you present a lot of graphical data.
For details;
It is a javascript charts & maps library that works in harmony with many libraries and frameworks. It has many charts, tables, graphs and mapping features. It is easy to use and you can use the graphic and map documents up-to-date. It can work with Wordpress support and other open source systems.
You can easily design one-page interactive websites. Generally, Vue.js is the first choice for those who start the javascript programming language. It can be an excellent plugin for a web developer.
With Vue.js, you can easily create and design the architecture of one-page interactive websites.
For details;
It’s a great library where you can add interactions to elements, take advantage of google materials for UI. It can be used in hybrid mobile applications.
React.js is a library that is completely an article topic. Since it is a subject that needs to be discussed in much more detail, we will not dwell on it too much here. It is one of the most well-known libraries. Developed under the leadership of Facebook. It is used to code and develop UI designs. It is an excellent library for Front End developers.
Node.JS is often taught alongside javascript lessons in many courses and tutorials. It is a very useful and integrated library with Javascript programming language. It is open source. It enables the server-side use of the Javascript programming language. It has a fast and dynamic structure.
It would be more accurate to write a few articles on the Node.js library. Knowing Node.JS, React.JS libraries, you can now become a Full Stack developer. More precisely, you can work as a Full Stack in the web space. Node.JS, which is perhaps one of the most used libraries in the world, is a very popular library today.
For Details;
It is a real-time open source javascript framework. It can easily work on many platforms such as Web, IOS, Android. It is known as the Full Stack. It is used in the Back End and Front End. Meteor is used in many places in mobile applications and games today. It is a framework that we need to write an article on in more detail.
You can easily create many websites and applications using Backbone. Many companies today use Backbone. For example, the most popular of these brands is Wordpress. It can refresh and update the page instantly. It can easily run server-side work.
Backbone, which is known as a framework that needs to be examined in more detail and is used on many platforms, can be used with many libraries.
Ember.JS, a framework with MVC architecture developed by Google, is open source. It can easily code one-page projects. It can configure itself and works fast.
For Setup and Details;
Next.JS is known as a React.JS library. Next.JS, which is an SEO compatible library, works with the logic of server side rendering.
Known as a Web Application framework, Next.JS can be used easily in many projects. It is often compared to gatsby.js.
For details;
It is a free and open source framework where you can design React-based static websites. You can easily code many static websites that can work collaboratively with GraphQL. It is known for its simple and fast structure.
GraphQL can easily transfer many data from different sources and control all of them in a simple way. Since it has many plugins, it makes the work of many developers easier.
For Details;
It is a javascript tool that allows you to embed videos in the background.
Other articles about the software are in preparation..