What is Cyber Security? | Cyber Security and Hacking

Burak Vural
8 min readJun 4, 2023


We will try to write the Cyber Security and Hack titles, which are one of the most popular titles in the software world, as simply as possible with various titles.

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We will try to write the subject of Cyber Security in a simple and descriptive way, and we will write sub-titles, roadmap recommendations, courses, professional details in our next articles.

What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is a discipline that deals with the protection of computer systems, networks, and digital data from deliberate or intentional threats. Cybersecurity aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility — control — security — of information transmitted and processed through computers, servers, network infrastructures, mobile devices, electronic systems and other digital devices.

Cybersecurity provides protection against a variety of threats. These threats include hackers, malware (viruses, trojans, worms), phishing attacks, data leaks, data breaches, ransomware, attack methods — factors such as unauthorized access to networks.

The authorized person in cyber security protects the computer systems or the related information system by using various methods and measures. These include steps such as using strong passwords, installing firewalls and security software, updating systems and software, data encryption, network traffic analysis, security tests, and penetration tests.

Cybersecurity is of great importance to individual users, businesses, government agencies and other organizations. Keeping computer systems and data safe prevents sensitive information from being stolen, manipulated or misused. In addition, cybersecurity helps prevent reputational and material damage from information leaks by securing digital infrastructure.

Note: Cyber Security Services are offered on the basis of professional studies such as purple team, red team, blue team — corporate services, personal services, ethical hacker — SoC — Pentester. I will explain all these titles with the articles I will write. As my personal opinion on Cyber Security, it would be more logical to continue by understanding the terms first.

What is Hacker?

Hacker — Hack — Although hacking usually has negative meanings and it always sounds negative, we can say that hacking is a technique and philosophy in the true sense of the word.

The term hacker is often used to describe people with technical skills, such as gaining unauthorized access to computer systems or manipulating computer programs. However, this term can have different meanings and there are various types of hackers. If we simply examine some types of hackers with a general title;

White Hat Hacker: This type of hacker works within ethical limits to find and fix security vulnerabilities. It tests computer systems, detects vulnerabilities and notifies system owners about them. Their goal is to make systems more secure. White hat hackers often work in cybersecurity companies or organizations.

Black Hat Hacker: This type of hacker intrudes into computer systems or networks for malicious purposes. They can engage in criminal activities such as stealing data, phishing, distributing ransomware, spreading malware. Black hat hackers hack for illegal purposes to gain or harm personal gain.

Gray Hat Hacker: Gray hat hackers are hackers who have some characteristics of both white hat and black hat hackers. They can find vulnerabilities in systems, but sometimes exploit them for their own benefit rather than reporting them. In particular, they may participate in activities that are not illegal but not considered ethically.

While the term hacker often has a negative connotation, ethical hackers such as white hat hackers also exist and play an important role in cybersecurity. However, black hat hackers cannot be considered legally and ethically because they are engaged in illegal activities.

Although it is known that there are different titles such as Purple Hat Hacker — Red Hat Hacker, Black — White — Gray Hacker categories are the most well-known and the most basic summary of the work.

Ethical Hackers generally knowing the negative aspects of the job, as white hat hackers, provide contracted services within ethical limits.

What is Bug Bounty? Bounty Hunters

We can more easily describe the bounty hunters of the digital world as bug bounty.

Companies, institutions and organizations, and even some individuals consciously provide various rewards to people who discover system vulnerabilities within the framework of certain rules, sometimes periodically and sometimes during broadcast periods.

Although these rewards are generally considered as money and job offers, of course, the reward offered varies according to the severity of the discovered system vulnerability.

What is Hacktism? Hack + Philosophy and Ideology

Hacktism is a concept defined as a combination of hacking and activism. Also called hacktivism (hacker + activism), this term refers to a group or individual who acts for social, political or ideological purposes using hacking techniques and skills.

Hacktivists often gain unauthorized access to computer systems, hack websites, leak data, or use other cyberattack methods to gain attention or convey a specific message. They often resort to hacktivism methods to express their views on issues such as political activism, human rights, anti-censorship, environmental issues, freedom and justice.

By targeting computer networks, hacktivists can perform actions such as data leaks, DDoS attacks, disabling or editing websites. Their purpose is often to attract public attention, raise awareness of a particular issue, or promote political or social change.

But hacktivism is a complex issue, legally and ethically. It may violate the law, endanger the data of others and damage property rights. The activities of hacktivists can often lead to legal consequences and cause controversy in the community. Some may view hacktivists as freedom fighters or digital resisters, while others may view them as cyber terrorists.

Hacktism is a phenomenon at the intersection of cyberattacks and activism. Its aims and methods may vary, but generally it uses hacking techniques to support a social or political cause or to attract attention.

There are many books written on hacktism and many movies made. We can say that one of the most basic topics of Cyber Security and Hacking world is Hacktism.

How to Format a Popular Question in Cyber Security Professionally?

It’s not a joke, maybe one of the most popular questions after instagram questions is how to format and vpn questions. The essence of the matter is that these questions asked to a person who performs the Cyber Security profession are a kind of summary of the sector. :)

Professionally, Cyber Security consists of many sub-titles. It covers a detailed and wide range of professions. Cyber Security Professions Groups in general without going into too much detail:

Network Security: Network security includes measures to protect network infrastructures and communication systems. This subheading includes topics such as firewalls, network traffic analysis, network access control, and detection and prevention of network-based attacks.

Information Security: Information security aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of data. Measures such as encryption, prevention of data leaks, data backup and recovery, access control and authorization are included under this subheading.

Application Security: Application security covers the secure development, distribution, and operation of software and applications. Secure software coding standards, security tests, vulnerability scans and update management are among the important topics under this subheading.

Mobile Security: Mobile security aims to protect against threats to portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. This subheading covers topics such as mobile application security, data encryption, and managing lost or stolen devices.

Identity and Access Management: Identity and access management deals with ensuring correct authentication of users, authorization, managing access rights, and preventing unwanted access. This subheading covers topics such as password policies, multi-factor authentication, user accounts, and session management.

Physical Security: Physical security includes the protection of computer systems and the physical environments in which their data is hosted. Building security, access control, video surveillance, security personnel and physical protection of devices are included under this subheading.

Human Resources Security: Human resource security is concerned with raising awareness, training and compliance with security policies of employees and other personnel.

Manipulation and Social Engineering: A method of cyber attack that uses psychological and manipulative tactics to manipulate people and trick them into revealing vulnerabilities or gaining unauthorized access. Social engineering targets people’s natural tendencies and behaviors rather than technical computer skills.

If we examine the issue of Occupational Cyber Security more technically:

Pentest (Penetration Testing): Pentest is controlled attacks to detect security weaknesses of a system or network and test these weaknesses against unauthorized access by exploiting them. These attacks are carried out by ethical hackers or security experts. Pentest is an important tool for detecting weaknesses in systems, identifying areas that need to be fixed and increasing the level of security.

SOC (Security Operations Center): SOC is a central unit that an organization establishes to monitor, detect, analyze and respond to cyber security incidents. SOC monitors security events in real time, responds to incidents, and manages security systems to detect and prevent cyber attacks. A SOC uses a variety of technologies such as threat intelligence, log analysis, security event management, and intrusion detection systems.

Mobile Security: Mobile security aims to secure mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) and mobile applications. Updating mobile devices, protecting against malware, controlling application security, managing mobile devices and ensuring users’ data security are important issues in this area.

Developer Security: Developer security deals with taking security measures during the software development process and coding the software securely. It covers topics such as developer security, detection and remediation of vulnerabilities, secure software coding techniques, secure software lifecycle management, and security testing. This is important for securing the software and minimizing vulnerabilities.

Cloud Security: aims to secure cloud-based services. It covers topics such as data security, access control, data encryption, authentication and collaboration with cloud providers in cloud computing environments. With the widespread use of cloud-based services, the importance of cloud security has also increased.

Network Security: Network security aims to ensure the security of hardware, software and protocols used in networks. Network security includes various measures such as network traffic monitoring, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, network access control, virtual private networks (VPN), and secure wireless networks. Network security is important for maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the network.

Incident Response: Incident response refers to the process of detecting, analyzing and responding to a security incident. Incident response teams detect attacks, investigate incidents, isolate affected systems, and take countermeasures. Incident response aims to respond quickly, limit attack, and minimize damage.

Identity and Access Management: Identity and access management deals with authentication, authorization, and access control of users. This process includes granting users access to the right people, making the necessary authorization, and countermeasures against phishing attacks. Identity and access management helps reduce vulnerabilities and ensure data security.

Encryption and Cryptography: Encryption and cryptography refer to techniques used to securely transmit and store data. Encryption ensures that data is encrypted and protected against unauthorized access. Cryptography includes the development of encryption algorithms, key management, and the use of protocols for secure communication.

Vulnerability Management: Vulnerability management refers to the process of identifying, classifying, evaluating, and remediating vulnerabilities found in a system or network. Weakness management involves detecting vulnerabilities and fixing them quickly by regularly scanning for vulnerabilities. In this way, potential attack points are reduced and the security level is increased.

Web Application Security: Web application security aims to secure web-based applications. Web applications are frequently attacked, so it focuses on detecting vulnerabilities, ensuring correct security controls at the application layer, session management, authentication, login control.

Data Privacy: Data privacy refers to the protection of the privacy of personal and sensitive data. Data privacy includes establishing data protection policies, data classification, access control, data anonymization and the application of appropriate data protection methods. This ensures that users’ privacy rights are protected and measures are taken against data breaches.



Burak Vural
Burak Vural

Written by Burak Vural

Software | Cyber Security | FullStack | Dev.Note and some coffee! Ars magus de templum clavis

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