What is Front End Developer? | Front End Programming Languages
Front End coders, who are excellent visual artists of the software world, shape many interfaces in wonderful forms for us.
Front End Developers are the designers who design the user face of the Back End architecture. They are the people who enable users to use the software more comfortably and practically and provide originality with more perfect designs than competing companies.
UI-UX are their business.
They provide the design of the area specified as Client-Side, that is, the front of the program, with the help of color, design, various graphics or different tools. It is an important issue for them that this design is user-friendly by using different programming languages and frameworks.
What Programming Languages Do Front End Developers Use?
Apart from HTML-CSS, if to mention, the best answer to this question would of course be Javascript. Thanks to javascript, which is a great programming language, they can easily code many designs and easily develop user-friendly interfaces by taking advantage of HTML-CSS architecture.
Using Javascript and its libraries effectively and benefiting from frameworks is one of the main topics of being a Front End Developer. If it is necessary to list the languages and libraries used in the Front End title;
React Native
You can check here for a more detailed article;
Most Common Javascript Libraries
We need to mention that front-end development can be done using some libraries and frameworks of some back-end programming languages, but we will talk about such more functional programming languages in more detailed articles. For example, Python and its libraries, Javascript detailed explanation, Full Stack using Node.JS and React.JS..
If we need to create a simple roadmap for a Front End Developer, I think the order will be like this;
# Javascript — Basic javascript tutorial
# Bootstrap — Javascript and Vue.js intermediates
In many training sets, now Javascript training is explained, before the basic javascript training, HTML-CSS training and then bootstrap training are explained, then the Vue.js training is explained and web pages are started to be created.
# Vue.JS — For simple one-page basic web pages
# React.JS — More detailed projects
# Other libraries and framework technologies will vary depending on the project to be coded. Exmp; Angular, Flutter, Node.JS